“And by the way, how can I pray for you?“

God is so awesome. When you love Him and trust Him, and look with expectation at the world around, He is faithful to send us signs of His goodness. I know this… and yet sometimes I find myself wallowing in self doubt and fear of failure.

As you know, a few weeks ago I was feeling pretty low… about the music studio which I have felt strongly was Gods calling in my life…. And I was frustrated with parents who don’t pay their invoice on time, leaving the studio strapped for cash flow. I was disheartened because September didn’t see the same level of been inquiries as previous September’s… and I began to doubt that I had heard God at all.

I read a pamphlet that said, “if you need more, give more”, and I increased my tithe, both at home and at the studio. and I began to pray specifically for all of our students and instructors and families…. It began to change my heart about how I felt. ( I also offered AutoPay to all of our students to help with cash flow), and joint a few Christian Business groups and Music Studio groups on Facebook to network with others who may be doing similar things.

Today I got a voice mail from an Emily looking for voice lessons. I called her back on my way to the studio… but I got her voice mail. Now we play phone tag. Her recorded message said, “hi this is Emily. Leave a message at the beep…. And, by the way, tell me how I can pray for you today!”

Ha. It caught me off guard. But I left a message and told her who I was… and that she could pray for the studio!

What a sweet girl! I can’t wait to talk with her again. Regardless if she becomes a student (although I am really hoping she does), I found her message very uplifting!

Thank you, Lord, for the reminder that You are in control. I commit our studio plans to You, and trust that You will direct our path, providing every resource needed in exactly Your timing. In Your Holy and Precious name I pray. Amen

Be blessed today, my friends!


Author: Journey-For-Life

I am a musician, an engineer, a mentor; my desire is to leave things better than I found them; I am a sister, daughter, wife, mother, aunt, friend. Suicide breaks my heart; Cancer breaks my heart; Human trafficking breaks my heart; Seeing people make bad life decisions breaks my heart. I am thankful for the One True and Living God who saved me from myself and, through His Son Jesus Christ, has saved from my sins; I am confidently persistent, passionately determined and boldly creative so that I may inspire others to live a life that ultimately matters.

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